Monday, September 29, 2014

Reasons You Could Lose Out on a Home Loan

If you are applying for a mortgage or plan to in the near future, you need to be careful with your funds. You know that having a steady income and good credit are important to being approved, but other factors could result in a denial.

Lending Money

If you have a family member come to you for a temporary loan, you could get turned down for a mortgage if you say yes. That may not seem fair, but you may be required to keep a certain amount of money in reserve for your application to be approved.

Your lender will ask what money you have in savings and checking accounts. That money may be used to calculate your down payment or reserve money for future payments. If it disappears or is reduced because you loaned to a friend or family member, you may no longer qualify.

The same holds true if you use the money to buy something. Most lenders recommend waiting to make large purchases until after you close on a home.

Changing Jobs

Getting a different job in the middle of a home purchase is also not a good idea. If you have received a salary increase, it may not lead to a denial, but it could still cause a delay. However, if you take a pay cut or even switch fields, your loan application could be denied if you are seen as an increased risk. You will need to show 30 days of income with your new job prior to closing. In addition, if part of your salary is based on commission, it won’t count with a new job.

Closing an Account

Don’t close out any accounts during your loan process. Even if you don’t use them, they can make big changes in your credit portfolio that could change your approval. Each open account impacts your total credit available and length of credit history. This can change your credit score and lower it to below the required number. Even paying off a balance is not a good idea without talking to your lender first.

Avoid doing anything to change your finances, income or credit until after you have closed on your home. It will make the process go much smoother and prevent your approval from being turned into a denial.

If you are ready to buy a house, contact me to help you find the right place.

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