Saturday, April 7, 2012

How to Sell A House

There are thousands, maybe millions, of articles that give you tips on how to sell a house. It's a popular topic because most of us, at some point in our lives, will be selling a house. Maybe we're selling our own home, selling an investment property, or perhaps you're like me, a realtor, who sells other people's houses. In my case, I'm fortunate to have the desire to continually learn and evolve my career as an East Lansing Realtor. This means, I read a lot, take classes and pay close attention to what properties I'm selling and why. Below I've compiled a few tips to streamline your home's sale.

Network A Lot: If you're similar to most people you have a job, engage in activities such as Zumba classes or bowling leagues and attend your kids' functions like Ice Cream Socials and soccer practice. Every one of these activities offers you dozens of people who may want to buy your home. Engage in conversation and casually mention that you're selling your everyone. You will be amazed at how many people are either looking to buy a new home or know someone that is. Be ready with some listing information or your Realtor's card and pass them out liberally. This also goes for your social network sites like Facebook, Twitter and Linked In - let your friends know where they can find out more about your home.

Choose the Right Realtor: I cannot stress this one enough. Don't google "realtor" and pick the first one on the list. Instead, do some research and find out which Realtors are successfully selling homes in your area. Talk to your neighbors and get their recommendations. Then sit down with some prospective agents and see if you click. Find out what the agent does to attract buyers to your home. Do they market online? Are they clocking out after 5 pm and on the weekends or are they available when you need them?

Seek Help from a High Power: Okay so this may seem a bit strange, what higher power after all has time to worry about the successful sale of your home, but ultimately that's not the point. Believing that something is going to happen is half the battle and for some people, it's easier to believe when a little magic gets involved. According to a 2012 article in the Wall Street Journal,  Cindy Lin, general manager of Staged4more Home Staging and Redesigns, adds oranges to home showings because they are associated with good fortune in Chinese Culture. Other home sellers are known for burying statues of St. Joseph in their yards or sprinkling salt over their doorways.

Make a Video: More and more people are finding their future homes online. Get a step ahead by creating a video, According to a Reader's Digest article, one effective way to market your property is through YouTube. Specifically they recommend creating a "love letter" video which highlights all of the things that you and your family loved about your home as you walk through. Also include your favorite nearby bakery and the park where you walk your dog to help prospective buyers understand the benefits of living in your area.

Cover the Basics: The basics are many when it's time to sell your home, but knowing them isn't the same as doing them. Clean well before every showing. De-clutter and depersonalize the space so that buyers can imagine their family in the home, not yours. Touch up peeling paint, weed the garden and fix any faulty areas. Buyers aren't interested in purchasing a job, they want a house. Be open to every offer and consider offering creative financing such as land contracts to attract more potential buyers.

If you live in the East Lansing or Lansing areas of Michigan and would like more information about selling your property, feel free to get in touch with me at MyRealtorRob. As a realtor with Tomie Raines, I can extend a variety of resources to help you sell your home faster for more money.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Very interesting blog knowledge is power that is true especially in a real estate industry because we know that if your knowledge is little I think your business will not be successful. This information is also a big help for those who would like to sell their house/properties. Thanks for sharing this info and I am glad to refer this to my friend.
