- Know Your Credit: Unless you have been saving since grade school for your first home, you probably don't have enough cash handy to buy your first home outright, which means you will need to qualify for a mortgage. Your credit will be a major deciding factor in what type of mortgage you qualify, if any at all. According to Rod Griffin, director of Public Education at Experian, in a recent article on AOL Real Estate, new home buyers should check their credit three to six months before applying for a mortgage. Getting your report in advance gives you time to pay down debts, fix any reporting errors and begin action towards any credit repairs that me be necessary.
- Gauge Your Down Payment and Start Saving: This amount will largely depend on the type of loan that you qualify for and the cost of the home that your purchase. Larger down payments often reduce or negate PMI and they also lower the total interest that you will pay over the life your mortgage loan. However, many loan programs offer down payment options at less than 5%. Start meeting with lenders to find out what you qualify for and then begin to investigate how you will cover your down payment.
- Find a Realtor: You can hunt for houses without a realtor; however, in most cases you're going to be working with a realtor because the house seller will be represented by one. Choosing a buyer's agent allows you to have someone searching for houses in your price range and location, filing the necessary paperwork when you make offers and providing you with in-depth market information about the area that intend to buy in.
- Choose the Right House: Obviously "right" is a strange word because when it comes to homes, there are a lot that can seem "right." Ultimately finding the "right" home means figuring out what you want and then choosing a house that meets all of most of your needs. It's also important to make sure the home is priced appropriately for the area and features, in addition to knowing if it's within your price range.
- Make an Offer: Work with your realtor to find out if the home is a value or if you should offer less. Home prices are the perceived value by the seller and often have more to do with their desired selling price than the worth of the home in the current market. Don't be afraid to make an offer, it's just a starting point.
- Take Your Time: Buying your first home is exciting and after a few months it can start to get frustrating, but don't make rush decisions. View a lot of properties and consider where you're finding the greatest value that meet your needs.
If you're a first time home buyer in East Lansing or the Greater Lansing areas of Michigan, feel free to contact me at MyRealtorRob. As a realtor in East Lansing for more than 7 years, I can help you find your new home or simply get an idea of homes currently for sale in your desired area.
Homeownership comes with financial responsibilities. Before you decide on, it is important to evaluate your job stability and financial status and how big of a mortgage you can really afford to pay back. If your mortgage payments are going up faster than your income, you're just going to rack up a bigger debt or even lose the property in the event of default or foreclosure.
David from gethomeloans.co.za